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This guide is to help promote philosophy research at Reeves Library.

Philosophy Additional Resources

Below you can find helpful websites and resources to learn more about philosophy!

American Association of Philosophy Teachers AAPT

The American Association of Philosophy Teachers (AAPT) is dedicated to the advancement of the art of teaching philosophy. To this end the organization sponsors a Biennial Workshop / Conference on teaching philosophy, a seminar and workshops on teaching and learning in philosophy, the Lenssen Prize for scholarship on the teaching of philosophy, small grants for innovation in teaching, the journal AAPT Studies in Pedagogy, and other programs. 

American Philosophical Association

The American Philosophical Association promotes the discipline and profession of philosophy, both within the academy and in the public arena. The APA supports the professional development of philosophers at all levels and works to foster greater understanding and appreciation of the value of philosophical inquiry.

Society of Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy

With a membership of over 2500 people, it is one of the largest American philosophical societies, and strives to encourage work not only in the philosophical traditions of phenomenology and existentialism, but also in all those areas commonly associated with ‘continental philosophy,’ such as animal studies, critical theory, cultural studies, deconstruction, environmental philosophy, feminism, German idealism, hermeneutics, philosophy of the Americas, post-colonialism, post-structuralism, psychoanalysis, philosophy of race and queer theory.

International Federation of Philosophical Societies

Established in 1948, FISP is the highest non-governmental world organization for philosophy. Its main objectives are: to contribute to the development of professional relations between philosophers of all countries, freely and with mutual respect; to foster contacts between institutions, societies and publications dedicated to philosophy; to collect documentation useful for the development of philosophical studies; to sponsor every five years a World Congress of Philosophy; to promote philosophical education; to prepare publications of global interest and to contribute to the impact of philosophical knowledge on global problems.

Concerned Philosophers for Peace

Since its inception in 1981, Concerned Philosophers for Peace [CPP] has become the largest, most active organization of professional philosophers in North America involved in the analysis of the causes of war and prospects for peace. The organization holds an annual conference as well as programs at each divisional meeting of the American Philosophical Association.

North American Society for Social Philosophy

The North American Society for Social Philosophy (NASSP) was established in 1984 to promote discussion between social philosophers on all topics of interest.

The Hume Society

Founded in 1974, the Hume Society is an international organization of scholars from dozens of countries. Its purpose is to stimulate scholarship on all aspects of the thought and writings of David Hume, the 18th-century Scottish philosopher, historian and essayist. Membership in the society is open to everyone interested in Hume and his philosophical and literary contemporaries.

North American Society for Philosophy and Education (NAAPE)

NAAPE aims to provide an international forum for scholars working at the intersection of philosophy and educational thought, where disciplines such as ethics, political philosophy, epistemology, philosophical anthropology, history of philosophy, and others meet the practical challenges of teaching and learning.